Zero Balancing can act as a powerful catalyst for change within a person’s sense of themselves, as well as within the physical body. Letting go of tension and rebalancing our energy at the level of bone can give us an experience of our fundamental being, ‘balanced to zero’ which is beyond the worries and concerns of our personality. This helps us to let go of old attitudes and habits that no longer serve us. Such a perspective can free us to respond to situations afresh, less bound by our past conditioning, enabling us to move forward in our lives positively.
How does it work?
The working focus in Zero Balancing is the relationship between the structure of the bones and joints, and the energy flowing through our form. Zero Balancing uses specific finger pressure and held stretches, called fulcrums. A fulcrum provides a point of stillness around which energy and structure can balance.
ZB Training
Holly Timmermans is an accredited Zero Balancing teacher and runs training courses for practitioners in England and Scotland.